Kleong's Blog LOL
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Friday, October 9, 2009

As we all now have facebook which enable us to connect to our friends, family or even foe, to remember one's birthday is as easy as clicking the mouse. After I clicked so much on facebook, I was reminded that this week schedule is full with birthdays. Ahhh... there would be Ghee Vui, Jacqueline and Wy Hoong. Congrats to all of them to be born in this week!

Now that we know our friend's birthday, we would normally think of how to celebrate it. Throw a party? Have a Gathering? Dinner at fancy restaurant? It all depends on how we all conclude the event. Then we would start to scratch our head on choosing the right present. Will he/she like it? Will it be too expensive? But what's the most importat is the matter of heart I guess. Because all of the willingness to spend the time, money and labour is to appretiate them individually.

Perhaps I'm grateful to appretiate them but it's also heart wrecking when you see your wallet or purse empty. So who's next in my list? =)

9:11 AM

Changed my

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